Hiring Stinks
In 1980, the J. Giles Band introduced us to their famous song Love Stinks. In the song they sing about the trials and tribulations of Love. Like Love, I believe Hiring Stinks.
Most hiring is done on subjective basis using resumes and interviews. Evidence that Hiring Stinks can be found in a Michigan State University study which indicated the interview is only 14% accurate in predicting future performance.
Industry leaders go beyond the traditional resume, interview and yearly review process to identify talent; they use accurate, bias-free assessments to examine individual performance and job fit. But assessments alone are not enough, we must employ hiring processes which leverage both the subjective, interviewing with the objective, assessments and have hiring managers focus on what matters most for superior job performance.
Companies have been using behavioral or personality profiles for years to determine job fit. While they add value to the process they fall short for several reasons. We human being are complex and these types of assessments only capture the tip of an iceberg of who we are. They certainly don’t determine what motivates us. A recent independent study initiated by our partners determined that by using multiple assessments we improve job matching from 58-60% when using one assessment to 92% when using three.
How then do we make hiring great? To be successful we must combine the subjective process with an objective process and enable them to support each other.
It starts by having the job talk. A well structured process will define and create alignment on why the job exists and what the job is, by defining 3-5 key accountabilities for the role. Then we have Subject Matter Experts, people who are, have been or have a vision into exceptional job performers, complete a series of surveys which will define what is necessary for superior job performance. This data is then aggregated and results in a benchmark for what’s needed for superior job performance.
Next we write a job description which aligns with the key accountabilities and the benchmark. A well defined job will yield fewer responders because people will self select out. If a job description seeks highly aggressive people and you’re not one, you’re not likely to apply for the job. Conversely, such job descriptions will yield higher caliber candidates who see themselves in the job description. Having fewer and higher caliber candidates alone will make the hiring process more effective.
Then we arm hiring managers with behavioral questions which align with the requirements of the job so their interviews are focused on understanding the individual and determining their ability to fit the job requirements. Once shortlisted, final candidates complete a series of surveys, the results are compared to the benchmark in a gap analysis report. Hiring managers then choose their final candidate with objective information supporting the subjective information they learned through the interviewing process.
Hiring managers or assessment providers may assert that they know certain skills such as teamwork, customer service or flexibility is necessary for a job. Without the job determining what is needed, this in nothing more than another bias. Teamwork for example, while a wonderful skill and certainly a nice to have, is not necessarily needed for superior performance in every job.
Will a process like this take longer than your current process? Of course. Is it worth it? Absolutely. By implementing a Job Matching System like this you will transform your ability to predict future performers from 14% to over 80%, well worth the investment of time and money. Truth is hiring failures are far more costly to an organization.
The comprehensive design of our patented process ensures you hire, develop and retain the best possible talent for a specific job. The impact on the business is phenomenal; Improved Performance, Increased Productivity, Increased Job Satisfaction, Increased Retention, Decreased Stress, Increased Revenue and Increased Valuation.
This isn't for everyone, but if your company struggles to identify and hire great people we'd be happy to discuss how we can be of service.
Love may still stink, but hiring doesn’t have to.