Lessons for Successful Living
In 2013 I started a new job with a consulting company. During an early training session, we were asked to bring something to share that inspired us; it could be anything. In the beginning I struggled to come up with an idea, then it hit me: I’ll share my grandpere’s eulogy, as he was my mentor, and he definitely inspired me.
The first thing you should know is that Isaac lived 440 miles away from me my whole life. I lived in Philadelphia, and he lived in Montreal, Canada. I typically saw him no more than once or twice a year. So, as you can imagine for him to have become my mentor, he must have been a pretty special person, and he was.
As I prepared for this training session, I found the eulogy I had written for him, and I practiced like I normally do before I give a speech. Then came the time for me to share it in front of only about 10 people. In spite of my practice, I broke down in tears multiple times and couldn’t finish it. This startled me for a couple reasons. First, I didn’t cry when I delivered it at his funeral 18 years earlier, and second, I consider myself a pretty good public speaker and I had adequately practiced.
Over the next couple weeks, I pondered why I broke down, until finally a realization washed over me. In the eulogy, I shared six lessons for living a successful life that I learned by observing my grandpere, and I realized in sharing with that training group that I had lived out those lessons in my life. Apparently, the eulogy was written for me, as many are, and now I’d like to share it with you in the hopes that you can draw strength from Isaac in these challenging times as I have.
Issac, in Hebrew means he laughs or laughter. In Numerology his Soul Urge Number is 11. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.
Here are Isaac’s views. Instead of sharing the whole eulogy, I’ll share some highlights.
I can describe Issac Yedid in one word: Optimism. Optimism is defined in the Webster’s dictionary as an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. What a fine example grandpere has given us of how a positive attitude can have such a dramatic impact on our lives. Today, many people make their living teaching us how to live a successful life, but for the last 88 years, we have been fortunate to have a living example among us.
He lived his life to serve others, and nothing made him happier than serving his own family.
On May 6th of this year, my dad and I were visiting grandpere in the hospital and as we spoke about business my father told of his plans for retirement in the next few years. Isaac’s response was quick and sure, “Men like us should not retire, life is about work, you must find other areas to focus your energy.” There is wisdom in those words.
My grandpere had many special gifts; he had a terrific ability to see the positive side of every problem and situation. He used his wonderful sense of humor and his adaptable philosophy to persevere through some very difficult times and come out smiling.
According to how my grandpere lived his life, he has taught me six keys to successful living.
Love the earth and everything that lives upon it.
Have an overwhelming curiosity.
Have positive communication with your world.
Live life with a sense of humor.
Have a positive expectant attitude.
Live your life in balance – balance your career with your family life, your spirituality with your socializing, and your mental and physical worlds.
If we do all this, we too, will find the happiness he found.
This is how I’ve applied Isaac’s lessons, and found happiness in my own life.
Love the earth and everything that lives upon it.
I have loved skiing my whole life. I started at age five, going to Montreal every Christmas week to visit my grandparents and ski. I love being outdoors in the winter and having cold air energize my lungs and body. Many of our vacations revolve around being in and experiencing nature and its beauty. I have developed an affinity for photography, and I use our vacations to photograph nature as you can see on my website (all of the photos on here are those I have taken).Have an overwhelming curiosity.
I am curious about many things and am very open minded to new ideas and different ways of doing things. If you know me, you know that I’m about possibilities. Curiosity about possibilities is pervasive throughout my life.Have positive communication with your would.
My calling is being a Vibrant Impact Maker, and I do my best daily to communicate with those I come in contact with in a positive, inspiring and empowering way.Live life with a sense of humor.
While not a joke teller, I certainly have a sense of humor. I like to laugh about life and encourage others to do the same. Comedy movies are my favorite. However, Carol hates when I laugh out loud at the movie theater before the joke hits, because I saw it coming.Have a positive expectant attitude.
While I’ve had several personal challenges in my life, I’ve always had a positive expectant attitude that it will all work out. And it has. I have a terrific wife and family, and I am blessed to have a fabulous life. We will get through these current challenges, not without pain or suffering but, by applying Isaac’s values.Live your life in balance.
This I have been working on my whole life, and I can tell you that while I never have these in equal balance, I can say that each of these six areas have my attention, and I’m continually working on and developing strength in several of these six areas at any given time.
If Isaac were here, he would tell us to focus on what you can control and to keep your eye on his six keys to successful living. Block out the negative noise and thoughts and what’s not working and get working on that which we have control over.
Thank you for allowing me to share Isaacs’ teachings. My wish for you is that you use these six keys to assist you in unlocking the best life you can create for yourself during these challenging times and beyond.
Please share this with others that you believe might benefit; Isaac would want you to.
Grandpere and me